Monday 11 June 2012

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant
 offers people a chance to enhance their appearance and self-esteem, leading to better lifestyle and productivity.

There are many causes of hair loss in men and women, including disease, nutritional deficiency, hormone imbalance, and stress. However, by far the most common cause is what is called androgenetic alopecia. Alopecia is the

medical term for hair loss.
Hair Transplant
Hair transplant is the process of the redistribution of healthy hairs from the back of the head to areas suffering from hair loss. Auto hair transplantation is a unique hair reconstruction technology, and is the only technology available today capable of successfully combating androgenetic hair loss. Our vision is to make hair transplant surgery a affordable option within the reach of all.” The Hair Transplant Consultancy Group strives to serve our patients through every step of thier journey.

Follicular Unit Grafting is a state of the art procedure yielding the natural results. It is considered to be the gold standard in Hair Restoration. During Consultation, you will meet with our consultant doctor. Which allows you to get answers to commonly asked questions about hair loss and about hair transplant surgery.

Among men and some women hairloss is a worrysome issue. People have gone to extraordinary lengths to deal with their hair loss problems.  Examples include hair pieces, shampoos, lotions, comb-over techniques and spray-on hair.  These products often lead to disappointing results.  Moreover, they are temporary fixes for a problem that gets worse as time goes on.    
The zone from which hair can be removed is larger than with the older classic techniques. Body hair can also be used, for example hair removed from the chest  or the thighs.
Body hair is the hair found in men, on the chest, on shoulders, back, legs ,thighs  and calves. When the quality of the donor area is poor or depleted following previous hair transplants, hair  follicles from these body parts can be used.

Body hair transplants definately come with some restrictions.

Body hairs when transplanted to head retains their  donor site characterstic .Body hair has a smaller diameter than the hair on your head. Body hairs often grow alone, so this generally means single hair grafts. Body hair takes longer time to grow. Hair involves the removal of a strip of superficial layers of hair bearing scalp from the back and sides of the head (donor area). The strip is dissected into fine follicular units with the help of magnification and are transplanted on to the bald area (recipient area). 

Although this method leaves a scar in the donor area, by virtue of the latest advancements in the technology, this can be minimized by a technique called tricophytic closure. This method helps in minimizing the scar which is almost invisible after some time and new hair grows through it. This method is the most reliable one. Strip method of dissection will have a lesser chance of graft wastage than FUE method.

Thanks to recent advances in hair transplant methods and techniques, Sai Shraddha Cosmetic Clinic is run by Dr. Amitabh Shrivastava and his wife Dr. Ruchi Shrivastava offers the most effective solutions to restore a naturally youthful appearance.  The dedicated team of professionals strive to achieve your personal goals and will assist you before, during and after the procedure.